Recommended Podcast: Unearthing History: How Technology Is Transforming Archaeology


The transcript of the opening of this fascinating 16-minute segment from NPR's Talk of the Nation:
"Legend has it that the rainforest of Mosquitia hid La Ciudad Blanca, the White City. For centuries, explorers tried to find the fabled city in the jungle of Nicaragua and Honduras. Protected by white water, coral snakes, stinging plants and brutal topography, the White City remained an archeologist dream. But with a new application of recent technology, a documentary filmmaker, not an archeologist, found the White City.
In The New Yorker magazine, Douglas Preston tells the story of Steve Elkin's amazing discoveries. Doug Preston is an author and contributing writer at National Geographic, The Atlantic and Smithsonian magazine. His piece, "The El Dorado Machine," is in the May 6th edition of The New Yorker, and he joins us from his home in Santa Fe." 
Listen to the podcast here or get it via itunes (5/6) here.

You can find the New Yorker article here, but it is subscriber-only (for now).