"Do Sneezes Reflect Our Personalities?"


  • ‘Sneezes are like laughter,’ says Dr. Alan Hirsch, a neurologist, psychiatrist and founder of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. 
  • ‘Some [laughs] are loud, some are soft. And it’s similar with sneezing. It will often be the same from youth onward in terms of what it sounds like.’ 
  • Hirsch says he doesn’t know of any studies that have been conducted on various sneezing styles and what they might mean, but says he does believe the way we sneeze reflects some component of the personality. … 
  • "A person who’s demonstrative and outgoing, for instance, would most likely have a loud, explosive sneeze, whereas someone who’s shy might try to withhold their sneezes, resulting in more of a Minnie Mouse-type expulsion.”

I bet he's onto something. Anybody want to order some sneezing powder and write up an IRB proposal? I read about it here