"Couple Driving to Dave Matthews Concert Spots a Hitchhiking Dave Matthews..."

  • Emily Kraus and her boyfriend were on their way to Hershey, Pennsylvania, to see Dave Matthews perform, and were running late as it was. 
  • That's why they almost didn't stop for a hitchhiker by the side of the road... who turned out to be Dave Matthews himself. 
  • The singer had gone for a bike ride and suffered a flat tire, stranding him in the middle of nowhere. 
  • "I did not have a cell phone on the bicycle. So I thought, 'Shit'," Matthews would later tell the audience at Hersheypark Stadium. 
  • Happily for Kraus, she had just added a bike rack to her car, and so was able to accommodate the eco-friendly musician.

  • This happened back in mid-July, but it's a good story no matter how much time has passed. I saw it here