In Praise Of: Costco's Generic Version of Zyrtec

Spring is here, and big pollen will be raining down on us (and our cars) very soon. The ONLY 24-hour antihistamine (prescription or over-the-counter; I have tried every one) that works for me: Zyrtec. Luckily, it has been generic for several years. But it still tends to be expensive. The cheapest regular store price I have seen: about $9 per month from Kroger (and that will probably increase in May).

A couple of summers ago I discovered Costco's version: Aller-Tec. Why is that news? Because it costs $16.49---for 365 (freakin') doses! [What does that tell us about the markup on OTC meds?!]

Aller-Tec can be ordered through the Costco website (free shipping). So if you don't have a membership but know somebody who does, it should be easy (and inexpensive) to keep your allergies in check this year.

Here's the link.