If True, This Is Going To Be A HUGE (and Very Scary) News Story...

The Day Child Porn Went Viral on Facebook:
  • A video of unknown origin appearing to show a grown man sexually abusing an infant girl went viral overnight on Facebook, garnering as many as 32,000 shares and over 5,000 likes before finally being removed by the website.
  • According to users who came into contact with the video — whether through their newsfeed or on various Facebook forums — it took over eight hours for Facebook's clean-up crew to eliminate the disturbing footage from its servers.
Read the full story (from the sometimes-newsbreaking gossip site Gawker) here.

Did this really happen? I found no mention of it by the NY Times or CNN (as of 6:30pm on 3/22/13). Theoretically, couldn't every person who viewed the video be prosecuted?

UPDATE: 3/23 @ 3am
  • NO mention of this story on any of the following websites:  New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NY Post, Daily News, CNN, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Beast, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, NPR, Fox News, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Le Monde, The Times of India, The Globe and Mail, The Sydney Morning Herald
  • Story mentioned: Chicago TribuneHuffington PostThe Times (London), The Daily Mail, The Independent
  • I will be relieved if it turns out to be a fake story. But if it's real...what will it mean that the majority of the major news outlets in the US remained silent?
UPDATE: 3/23 @ 3pm
  • Rechecked all of the sources listed above. Only one additional news story: NBC News.
  • So, 29.5 hours after Gawker went public with this story it has only been covered by 6 major news outlets. Does that mean the details could not be verified?
UPDATE: 3/24 @ 4pm
  • Gee...I guess this wasn't such a big/scary story after all!?